Special Committees
Negotiating Committee
The function of the committee for each bargaining unit is to prepare collective bargaining proposals and to negotiate a collective agreement.
Mobilizing Committee
The function of the committee for each bargaining unit is to engage members before bargaining begins, and throughout the bargaining process.
Permanent Committees
Grievance Committee
The function of the committee is to oversee the handling of all local grievances and decide whether or not the grievances should proceed to arbitration.
Bylaw Committee
The function of the committee is to review the local bylaws and make recommendations on proposed amendments that conform with the CUPE National Constitution.
Workplace Committee
The function of the committee is to review and address all issues related to the workplace and work to correct conditions causing grievances, hazards and misunderstandings.
Membership Committee
The function of the committee is to plan and organize all member support, union education and social activities related to the local and work to build solidarity amongst the membership.
Political Action Committee
The function of the committee is to plan and organize political action around local and sector concerns and encourage member activism in joining and supporting campaigns around worker rights and human rights.